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During a live stream discussion on Sept. 20, Superintendent of Schools Jesse Harper outlined the latest guidance from the Steuben County Department of Health regarding failed health screenings. 

If a student or staff member fails their health screening at school, they will be isolated, sent home and referred to their family health care provider for a doctor’s note. The length of time the individual must stay at home before returning to school depends on a number of factors, listed below. 

View a recording of the live stream here. 

  • If an individual fails the school's health screening and displays any symptoms of COVID-19, they must go to their family health care provider. 

  • If an individual fails the school's health screening and later receives a confirmed positive COVID-19 test result, Steuben County Public Health will place them under isolation for a minimum of ten days. The individual may return after isolation and after sending a doctor’s note to the school district.  

  • If an individual fails the school's health screening and later receives a negative COVID-19 test result, that individual can return after sending the result to Steuben County Public Health. Once Steuben County Public Health confirms the negative result, the individual may return to school. The individual’s symptom must be resolved and they must be fever free without medication for 72 hours in order to return. 

  • If an individual fails the school's health screening and later receives an alternate diagnosis from a licensed health care provider, they can return after the health care provider’s documentation of alternative diagnosis is sent to and approved by the district. The individual’s symptoms must be resolved and they must be fever free without medication for 72 hours in order to return. The individual may return after sending a doctor’s note to the school district. 

  • If an individual fails the school's health screening and does not undergo COVID-19 testing nor receives an alternative diagnosis, they cannot return to school for a minimum of 14 days. The individual’s symptoms must be resolved and they must be fever free without medication for 72 hours in order to return. The individual may return after symptoms have resolved. 


  • Students who have to stay home while symptoms resolve will not switch to a remote learning model. Instead, their teachers will provide work that can be done at home if the student is well enough to do so. 

  • Parents and guardians will also be expected to provide documentation that indicates their child is healthy and can return to school.  The earlier that a parent provides that documentation, the earlier the school district will be able to authorize the student’s return.