School Safety Updates

In preparation for the start of the 2023-24 school year, the Arkport Central School District has made many improvements over the summer months, including significant safety measures changes. These enhancements are part of the district’s ongoing commitment to provide a secure learning environment to facilitate positive outcomes for students and staff.

One such change is that the procedure for visitors to the Arkport school has been modified. By taking greater control over who enters the school building and how visitors enter, the administration is taking critical steps to secure the school building physically.

Additionally, all classrooms have been equipped with the mechanism to call for a lockdown. Empowering teachers and staff with this ability ensures an effective, more rapid response should an emergency arise.

These measures will have a positive impact on creating a climate and culture that values safety and demonstrates the district’s commitment to making secure learning environments a priority.

If you have any questions regarding the changes in school safety procedures or school safety in general, please get in touch with Jesse Harper, Superintendent of Schools, at